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Our project's banner
made by the Greek team

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Celebration of the Italian School

Celebration of the birth of the new school “Istituto Comprensivo n.2”
Yesterday 7th December  all the students  - aged 3 to 14 -  gathered in the Sports Centre in Ortona to celebrate the birth of their new school, made up of nursery, primary and secondary school.  There were a lot of people: students of course, as well as their families, friends , teachers, the headmistress, local politicians and the school band. The celebration was opened by the headmistress who made a speech about the importance of the constitution of this new type of school.  Each different kind of school prepared some dances, songs and the school band played the Italian national anthem “Fratelli d’Italia” sang from all the people in the sports centre. At the end of the celebration a group of students presented the logo of the new school , composed of three parts, each of them representing  the face of the pupils which belong to each school.  
( English Teacher Letizia)


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